Friday, September 12, 2008

...a problem I didn't even know I had!

Don't you just love when companies solve non-existent problems?

My current favorite is for a new front loading washing machine. You've probably seen the TV commercial -- a poor woman being CHASED by an enormous ball of clothes -- SIX MONTHS worth of laundry that she hasn't done!

It's overwhelming! Oh the humanity! She tries to hide her children!

The solution?

She should buy this fancy new washing machine -- it will solve her problem because it allows the owner to "pre-load" six months worth of laundry detergent into it.


Clearly THIS is clearly the biggest issue facing folks doing laundry -- the ever-so-difficult task of pouring the DETERGENT into the MACHINE!

The company must have done massive research -- probably paid hundreds of thousands of dollars -- to a research firm that came back to them with a report like this:

"Last year more than 10,000 men and women with clothes cleaning responsibilities reported that issues with pouring the detergent into the machine was creating an obstacle to getting laundry done."

"Laundry detergent spillage-based accidents accounted for more than 500 slip and fall emergency room visits!"

"Five out of every ten stay-at-home mom's reported shoulder pain directly related to lifting laundry detergent bottles!"

Silliness...pure silliness!

I'd buy a new washer for really only ONE reason -- my current one has died and is beyond repair.

Once the memorial service was complete, I -- like most folks in need of a washer -- would probably be interested in capacity, energy efficiency, water usage, and warranty.

Maybe, if I'm REALLY feeling adventurous, a couple of fancy 'cycles' that I didn't have before?

But clearly this company believes that the most important part of the decision will be how many months of detergent I can pre-load into it!

NEW Coke anyone?

1 comment:

Jeffrey M. Peyton said...

HA! Elaina just made me buy a new washer/dryer combo. We went with the top-loader washer, but without the agitator. I WANTED the front-loader. It looked so cool, and everybody else was getting it.