Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

It started this morning when I was walking up Market Street in Philly...that brief twinge of "I should have worn a jacket today..."

It continued as I battled the PA Turnpike on my way home -- and could just see a vague dusting of orange across the tops of the trees...

Autumn -- my favorite time of year -- is here!

Frankly...I used to call it "Miss America through Christmas" but those dumb clucks at MAO decided to move that venerable institution from Atlantic City to Vegas, and from late September to February... but that's a topic for another post!

Already I'm itching to begin decorating for Halloween...and then Thanksgiving...and then Christmas!

Shoot, I may even wear one of my tiaras around the house this weekend to honor the pageant that isn't happening...

I know it must seem odd to some folks -- particularly some folks in my own neighborhood, but we go ALL OUT on holiday decorating here at Stately Stocker Manor.

From the hand-crafted tombstones in front of the house to paper machier ghosts, to the two platform miniature porcelain Halloween village we construct in the living room...just love it! Plus the blacklights -- lots of blacklights in the windows...I could go on...but sadly you see where I am going with this.
And of course, there must ALWAYS be some kind of holiday tribute to the Man of Steel!

I love it all! I enjoy making my own Halloween candy...dressing the dogs in Superman costumes...and trying to guess which neighborhood kids are beneath the masks...

When we were kidlets, my Mom used to make us wonderful Halloween costumes -- we'd start planning them in mid-August. Plus bobbing for apples -- do kids even know what that is anymore? And this was back in the day when neighbors handed out FULL SIZED Hershey bars...not those pathetic little one-bite miniatures.

I even took October 31 off this year in anticipation of the festivities...

I can already taste my first candied apple!

And the urge to make a pie is almost overwhelming...

Just wait until you see what we have planned for Christmas!

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