Sunday, September 21, 2008

Beware New TV Shows and Pilots...the Kiss of Death is in the House!

This is it -- in the world of television, this is premiere week -- the week when re-runs (hopefully!) go away and brand-spanking-new TV shows are here.

I usually have one or two shows that I'm looking forward to viewing -- and usually I'd be talking about them...but not this year.

You see, I have come to a conclusion -- however un-scientific: I am the Kiss of Death to any new TV show that hopes to exist beyond three episodes.

It's true.

I don't watch a ton of television -- mostly because television doesn't cater to my often perceived as unusual interests. But every now and again, a new show will capture my imagination...

"The Dresden Files"
"New Amsterdam"
"Blood Ties"

Not heard of these shows? I'm not surprised...because they are GONE. There but briefly ... literary, dare I say thought-provoking television! A bit of fantasy...a touch of the superhero...even a bit of the goth.

But the biggest thing they have in common is that I enjoyed them. Couldn't even tell you when they were "really" I TIVO anything I'm vaguely interested in...

But, as soon as I publicly express interest in them...GONE!

As soon as I start recommending them to friends and acquaintances? GONE.

I could name a dozen other shows that have met the "Laura Likes it Kiss of Death" fate...but I won't...

And there are even a few shows this fall that I'm looking forward to...but you won't hear me mention them until at LEAST half way through the season...don't want to jinx them too early...

Oh, if you're dying to know, shoot me an email... but don't say I didn't warn you!


Jeffrey M. Peyton said...

Obviously, I'm interested. Liked New Amsterdam, didn't care for the others you mentioned. I was just glad (grateful) for the returns of Heroes, Terminator, Eli Stone and (though its return was not in doubt) The Big Bang Theory.

Laura Stocker said...

Oh -- Both Brad and I LOVED Big Bang -- in fact, he reminded me thing morning that the season premiere is tonight.

Liked Heros season 1, got away from it last year. Haven't seen Terminator or Eli Stone.

Just got the Pushing Daisies DVD and enjoyed that tremendously.

Jeffrey M. Peyton said...

We can only DVR two at a time, so Heroes and Big Bang beat out Sarah Connor Chronicles... guess I'll watch that on the Internet later this week. Don't know what I'm going to do when Chuck starts up in a couple weeks! Buy another DVR I guess!