Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Forever Plaid!

I have many idiosyncrasies -- could easily be voted the president of the Island of Misfit Toys -- and there are things that I just LOVE that others find unusual to say the least.

But the greatest of these could possibly be my love affair with plaid.

Yes - plaid.

I'm not talking about any old plaid either -- no madras or light cotton -- I'm talking about authentic Scottish and Irish clan based tartans -- generally loomed from wool.

I'm sure this can be traced to my early education at the hands of Sister Maria Deloris at our local Catholic school. We wore plaid every day -- jumper, white blouse with peter pan collar and saddle shoes.

Once we moved and I transferred to public school, I was a mess -- I missed the plaid! Suddenly I had to select clothes to wear to school in the morning. My Mom would take me school shopping and desperately try to point me toward fashionable clothes -- nope -- I wanted to wear a Black Watch tartan with a navy sweater. Fortunately the preppy look was in during the mid-eighties...

I almost wore a plaid gown to the Prom -- but Mom put her foot down.

I actually got married in a Royal Stewart kilt and matching sweater (and have repeatedly asked my husband to make sure I get buried in my Black Watch tartan)!

I still wear saddle shoes...and have been asked if I'm going to a "fifties" party -- nope, just to the office...

Plaid is comfortable to me...like I imagine old sweats are to some people? My bathrobe is plaid, as is much of my existing wardrobe and my dog's bed. In 2003 I almost bought a mini-cooper with an "all plaid" interior -- alas, my 6'2" hubby couldn't fit into it.

When the following cartoon came out this morning -- no less than six people forwarded it me -- all referencing some variation of "look -- this is about you!"

What can I say...they speak the truth!

Long live plaid!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

It started this morning when I was walking up Market Street in Philly...that brief twinge of "I should have worn a jacket today..."

It continued as I battled the PA Turnpike on my way home -- and could just see a vague dusting of orange across the tops of the trees...

Autumn -- my favorite time of year -- is here!

Frankly...I used to call it "Miss America through Christmas" but those dumb clucks at MAO decided to move that venerable institution from Atlantic City to Vegas, and from late September to February... but that's a topic for another post!

Already I'm itching to begin decorating for Halloween...and then Thanksgiving...and then Christmas!

Shoot, I may even wear one of my tiaras around the house this weekend to honor the pageant that isn't happening...

I know it must seem odd to some folks -- particularly some folks in my own neighborhood, but we go ALL OUT on holiday decorating here at Stately Stocker Manor.

From the hand-crafted tombstones in front of the house to paper machier ghosts, to the two platform miniature porcelain Halloween village we construct in the living room...just love it! Plus the blacklights -- lots of blacklights in the windows...I could go on...but sadly you see where I am going with this.
And of course, there must ALWAYS be some kind of holiday tribute to the Man of Steel!

I love it all! I enjoy making my own Halloween candy...dressing the dogs in Superman costumes...and trying to guess which neighborhood kids are beneath the masks...

When we were kidlets, my Mom used to make us wonderful Halloween costumes -- we'd start planning them in mid-August. Plus bobbing for apples -- do kids even know what that is anymore? And this was back in the day when neighbors handed out FULL SIZED Hershey bars...not those pathetic little one-bite miniatures.

I even took October 31 off this year in anticipation of the festivities...

I can already taste my first candied apple!

And the urge to make a pie is almost overwhelming...

Just wait until you see what we have planned for Christmas!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dammit Janet!

Okay...I rarely, if ever climb up on a political soapbox...but this has really got me steamed!

Flipping through the morning news shows during the daily 'brushing of the teeth/painting of the face' rituals...and see star of stage and screen Susan Sarandon being interviewed on some red carpet or another.

I've enjoyed her work over the years...not one of my favorites, but an actor that I can generally count on for quality work in quality films, etc. So I paused...time for flossing...

And the interviewer asks her what her opinion is of VP candidate Sarah Palin.

Had I not had a mouthful of floss, I probably would have changed the channel at this point. I mean, really -- who gives a flying fig what Susan Sarandon or any 'celebrity' for that matter thinks of the candidates?

I much prefer to do my research and form my own opinions -- and would encourage anyone to do the same...

But I digress...

Susan Sarandon then said (and apologies if I've gotten a word or two wrong here...but it's darn close) "Well, Jesus was a community worker and Pontius Pilate was a governor...and I think that sums it up."

Are you kidding me?

Did Susan Sarandon just compare Barack Obama to JESUS? And Sarah Palin to the man who ordered his crucifiction??

I almost choked on my dental floss!

Now I don't care what your political views and opinions are...really...I've got friends on both sides of the debate.

But come on!

Even the interviewer seemed flummoxed!

I can't even imagine that Barack Obama would be pleased at this obviously idiotic remark -- can you see the posters: A Vote for Obama is a Vote for Jesus!

Yeah, right.

But what really gets me...aside from her asinine remark, is that it will probably be replayed over and over on television...and that many people will blindly go along with what she said because she is a celebrity.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Beware New TV Shows and Pilots...the Kiss of Death is in the House!

This is it -- in the world of television, this is premiere week -- the week when re-runs (hopefully!) go away and brand-spanking-new TV shows are here.

I usually have one or two shows that I'm looking forward to viewing -- and usually I'd be talking about them...but not this year.

You see, I have come to a conclusion -- however un-scientific: I am the Kiss of Death to any new TV show that hopes to exist beyond three episodes.

It's true.

I don't watch a ton of television -- mostly because television doesn't cater to my often perceived as unusual interests. But every now and again, a new show will capture my imagination...

"The Dresden Files"
"New Amsterdam"
"Blood Ties"

Not heard of these shows? I'm not surprised...because they are GONE. There but briefly ... literary, dare I say thought-provoking television! A bit of fantasy...a touch of the superhero...even a bit of the goth.

But the biggest thing they have in common is that I enjoyed them. Couldn't even tell you when they were "really" on...as I TIVO anything I'm vaguely interested in...

But, as soon as I publicly express interest in them...GONE!

As soon as I start recommending them to friends and acquaintances? GONE.

I could name a dozen other shows that have met the "Laura Likes it Kiss of Death" fate...but I won't...

And there are even a few shows this fall that I'm looking forward to...but you won't hear me mention them until at LEAST half way through the season...don't want to jinx them too early...

Oh, if you're dying to know, shoot me an email... but don't say I didn't warn you!

Friday, September 12, 2008

...a problem I didn't even know I had!

Don't you just love when companies solve non-existent problems?

My current favorite is for a new front loading washing machine. You've probably seen the TV commercial -- a poor woman being CHASED by an enormous ball of clothes -- SIX MONTHS worth of laundry that she hasn't done!

It's overwhelming! Oh the humanity! She tries to hide her children!

The solution?

She should buy this fancy new washing machine -- it will solve her problem because it allows the owner to "pre-load" six months worth of laundry detergent into it.


Clearly THIS is clearly the biggest issue facing folks doing laundry -- the ever-so-difficult task of pouring the DETERGENT into the MACHINE!

The company must have done massive research -- probably paid hundreds of thousands of dollars -- to a research firm that came back to them with a report like this:

"Last year more than 10,000 men and women with clothes cleaning responsibilities reported that issues with pouring the detergent into the machine was creating an obstacle to getting laundry done."

"Laundry detergent spillage-based accidents accounted for more than 500 slip and fall emergency room visits!"

"Five out of every ten stay-at-home mom's reported shoulder pain directly related to lifting laundry detergent bottles!"

Silliness...pure silliness!

I'd buy a new washer for really only ONE reason -- my current one has died and is beyond repair.

Once the memorial service was complete, I -- like most folks in need of a washer -- would probably be interested in capacity, energy efficiency, water usage, and warranty.

Maybe, if I'm REALLY feeling adventurous, a couple of fancy 'cycles' that I didn't have before?

But clearly this company believes that the most important part of the decision will be how many months of detergent I can pre-load into it!

NEW Coke anyone?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's a Bird! It's a Plane!

I have always had an affinity...some would say an obsession with the Man of Steel -- Superman!

Other super heroes may come and go in popularity, but for me, Superman is, well, the MAN! I collect super memorabilia, live for new comic books and get unnaturally excited by new TV series and new movies.

I'm not alone -- there are many of us, and we even count Jerry Seinfeld and Shaq among our fellow devotees.

Number one question I am asked by people -- particularly Laura-newcomers -- is "what's with the Superman thing?" It must seem odd to folks that a Masterpiece Theatre aficionado with an art history minor and an unholy love of Miss America would also be a Superman gal...but I am.

So here's the answer: It all goes back to my Dad.

When I was very young, my Dad took me to a traveling arena show called "Disney on Parade" -- basically a predecessor to "Disney on Ice" with all the Disney characters performing in a traveling show. I must have been about 7 years old.

Frankly the show didn't do too much for me...until the second act...when Peter Pan actually flew into the arena...I was mesmerized!

He could fly!

To hear my Dad tell the story, I became obsessed with flight...ran around the house jumping off things (which made him nervous, to say the least). I think it was an attempt to get me to stop playing Peter Pan that first brought Superman into our lives.

I mean, let's be honest...Pan was cool...but mostly flew around not accomplishing too much.

I remember the day he first brought home a Superman comic for me -- it wasn't a "real" comic, it was a promotional comic promoting "Superfriends" -- a Saturday morning cartoon show that his TV station was soon to begin airing.

But I was drawn immediately to Superman -- he could fly! And he helped people! And frankly, there was NO ONE with more talent among the Superfriends:

Wonder woman needed the invisible (lame!) plane...Aquaman was NO HELP outside of the ocean -- and if you took the gadgetry away from Batman, all you had left was an obnoxious rich guy.

Superman was the REAL DEAL.

He appealed to me on so many levels -- strange visitor from another planet (which was how I felt most of the time!) Dual identity -- mild-mannered reporter by day! And he could always save the day!

But it was the Christopher Reeve film two years later that really captured my imagination.

I remember seeing the trailer before a Disney film:

The John Williams score...and then the words flying across the screen:


When the film opened...no one other than Dad would go with me... and when Superman first took off over Metropolis, I recall thinking that nothing could ever be better than this!

Me...and my Dad...and Superman!

We loved it so much, we stayed for the second show!

And a monster...er...FAN...was born!

Thirty years later I still enjoy my love affair with Superman -- still obsessed with all things Kryptonian.

And I still can't think of Superman or crack open a comic, without thinking of me and my Dad...sitting in the dark theatre...believing a man could fly...