Wednesday, March 18, 2009

...and then Nipsey Russel saved me!

Around 4 a.m. this morning I almost learned the "meaning of life."

I was in that half awake, half asleep part of my consciousness known as The Dream Zone.

In my dream, I was standing in the center ring of a three ring circus - with all the giant cats around me, up on their stands. I was not scared and in complete control of the situation and I quite clearly recall thinking that "this is certainly interesting."

Then, into the ring walked Gunther Gebel Williams! Let me tell you -- he looked pretty good for a fellow who's been dead for eight years. He was dressed exactly as he was the last time I saw him and had his whip in his hand.

He walked over to me and said "I'm going to tell you the meaning of life, Laura."

Needless to say, I was very excited -- who knew what insights GGW might have?

He leaned over to whisper in my ear -- I could actually FEEL his breath on my neck.

He started to speak...

And I woke up -- with a collie nudging my ear with his nose.

All day I've been wondering what Gunther might have shared with me, if not for a dog that needed to go out.


I do tend to remember my dreams in vivid detail.

My personal favorite and the one that landed me on national TV is my now famous "Nipsey Russell" dream.

Now, please keep in mind. I am NOT a Nipsey Russell fan. He has never factored into my life in any way, shape or form -- except for this bizarre episode.

In the dream, the end of the world is coming -- missiles launched from silos -- the whole shebang. I am running through an old house, trying to hide -- trying to save myself and the people I'm with...
We are finally hidden in some kind of storm cellar, thinking we are all going to die soon, and a door opens in the ceiling, a hand reaches down for me -- pulls me out and to safety...and it's NIPSEY RUSSELL!

Yup -- Nipsey Russell saved me.

Now on the TV show, the supposed 'expert' in dream interpretation tried to tell me that this was me crying out to resolve old issues with my father.


I think I probably just ate ice cream too close to going to sleep...with The Wiz on the television.

At least I looked good on national TV!

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