Tuesday, December 23, 2008

...and a partridge in a pear tree!

My folks used to host a big holiday shindig every year when my Pop was alive. I believe it started out, in the beginning, as a "thank you" for his clients (of which I was one) and evolved over the years into the annual Baker Bash. Manada Hill Inn always hosted and provided incredible eats (ah...memories of brisket and almond chicken...) and the event was considered a 'hot ticket' in our town.

But that wasn't my Dad's reason for hosting the party...I am convinced that he hosted it for one reason and one reason only...and it had little to do with brisket...

My father had an unnatural love of "The Twelve Days of Christmas."

Not the actual days -- the Christmas Carol.

His very favorite part of the annual get-together occurred about half-way through the evening, when he would select folks from the crowd to get up and sing "The Twelve Days of Christmas" with him.

He'd start early by surveying the room -- trying to determine who his best singers were, along with those that might not be great singers, but would be entertaining nonetheless. Next he'd start approaching folks to participate.

Everyone always knew it was coming -- and you knew they secretly wanted to be asked -- but there would always be that element of surprise: "Are you sure you want ME to be nine ladies dancing?"

And my beloved Uncle Wes -- not a blood uncle at all, but my Pop's best friend -- would inevitably end up with "Five Golden Rings."

Pop would then line the motley crew up on the small stage and off they'd go...with Pop 'eggnogging' them on. God bless the person who got the twelfth day and only had to sing it once.

The whole musical presentation would take about ten minutes with all the stops and starts...and laughter.

He loved it.

And everyone loved him.

And it was Christmas.

Now, both Dad and Uncle Wes are gone from this earth...but I can't help but wonder on this Christmas Eve's Eve if they are up there in heaven convincing Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr.to sing "The Twelve Days of Christmas" with them...

I'll bet Uncle Wes has to arm wrestle Sinatra for those Five Golden Rings...

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