Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's okay...please...touch yourself!

Got your attention did I?

Those who know me well, know that there are few areas in which I am 'militant' in my opinions...but breast self-examination is one of them.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month -- the month in which half of everything in the supermarket suddenly, magically, has a pink label or pink ribbon on it. And while it's easier with each passing year to tune out the marketing, the message is more important than ever.

I hate cancer.

I hate cancer with such a vengence that it can keep me awake at night.

I've been known to overhear two people I don't KNOW talking about postponing mammagrams, and interrupted their conversation to point them toward the nearest clinic.

Yesterday, I started a meeting at work -- with three twenty-something young men, mind you -- by reminding them of Breast Cancer Awareness month and asking them to please remind their Mom's, wives and girlfriends to self-examine and/or get a mammogram. I offered each a pink frosted cupcake (left over from a cancer fundraiser the day before).

It was a heck of a way to start a meeting.

The 'new guy' looked like he really wanted to bolt.

I even suggested that it might be fun for them to "help" with the self-exam -- hey! -- if it gets the job done...

I have lost too many people that I love to cancer, included my beloved Dad. I have seen the face of this disease up close and personal -- and would not wish it on my worst enemy. I have a friend right now who is surviving admirably. I donate as much time as I can to fundraising and awareness.

But I am only one person -- albiet a LOUD person.

So I challenge all of you out there -- talk to your Mom this month...or your wife...or your sister... or special female person in your life. Ask the sometime uncomfortable question...when was your last self-exam, doctor's exam, or mammagram? Encourage them to take appropriate action. Got a voice? Use it!

I'm doing it -- to the shock and sometimes dumbfoundedness (is that a word) of friends and co-workers. And I'm wearing as much pink this month as I can...to remind myself and others without saying a word.

At the eye doctor yesterday I saw a woman with a pink t-shirt on...I first saw her from behind and could see an ACS logo on the back on her shirt...but the real message was on the front of her shirt...when she turned around -- it said:

Yes -- these are FAKE
(the real ones almost killed me!)

Suddenly my own petty problems and issues didn't seem all that important...

Just wait until National Prostate Cancer month -- I'll really stir things up then!

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