Friday, January 9, 2009

Getting Sick Is Not For Wimps...

For fifteen years I've listened to my beloved husband say things to me like "just you wait until you're my age...see how fast you race up and down the stairs then!"

And while I am still flying up and down stairs, I have noticed, particularly in the time since I first turned 40 (no comments, please!) that while my energy level remains high, my body has clearly decided to work against me.

Case in point -- caught a cold last week -- first time I've had a cold in probably five years. And if it wasn't bad enough that I sounded like Elmer Fudd, couldn't breathe through my nose, almost coughed up a lung and was otherwise miserable -- I managed to throw out my back.

By blowing my nose.

Yes -- I threw out my back by blowing my nose too hard. And by "threw out my back" I mean as in literally could not stand up straight. Had to crawl to the bathroom. Had to basically fling my drawers on the floor and step into them, wriggling them up my legs as bending over was NOT an option.

And while I'm better now...the cold lingers...and week later I'm still good for a major coughing fit once per hour -- there simply are not enough tissues in Lebanon County to handle the snot spigot my nose has become.

Hubby just smiles that "now you understand" smile.

I don't like that particular smile.

And other fun stuff now accompanies the coughing fits -- all kinds of ... well let's just say that some of my...uh...muscles aren't what they used to be.

Plus the cough syrup has somehow managed to give me acid reflux. Which is helped by the Tums...except that Tums seem to cause phlegm...which then makes me cough more.

Oh, and let's not forget the big zit on my nose -- apparently a by-product of all the excess rubbing and blowing.

Are you getting a picture here?

Whatever happened to the girl who laughed in face of streptococcus? The girl who went seven years without a sick day?

Oh wait, I know -- she just decided to invest in the company that makes Puffs Plus with Vicks Vapo Rub blended in...

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