Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hey! My Buddy Hugh is the Sexiest Man Alive!

It was bound to happen -- after all, how many times can People magazine continue to select those boring, boy-bots as their Sexiest Man Alive?

But finally they got it right -- Hugh Jackman!

Now before I go any further, and for my more manly readers who are already groaning and reaching for the mouse to close this window...stay put -- give me a minute here.

YES -- the "Sexiest Man Alive" concept is positively silly -- I get that. YES -- People Magazine is, for the most part, the worst kind of literary drivel -- 100% with you on that one too.

But Hugh and I go way back!

And, let me tell you -- my first experience with him was filled with utter disdain -- this unknown Aussie was going to play one of my favorite comic book heroes -- Wolverine! I took one look at him and was prepared to forgo the entire X-Men movie franchise! And it didn't help that the only footage Entertainment Tonight had of him was of the UK production of Oklahoma (he played Curley - a singing rancher!).

But the Hugh-ster won me over -- and I enjoyed both his subsequent turns as Wolverine, and other roles (The Prestige anyone? Anyone? And Swordfish?)

But my 'crush' came to a head when he hit the boards (that's Broadway for the uninitiated) in The Boy From Oz. I was very nervous for Hugh (do you like the way I talk about him as if I really know him?) -- my fear was that I wouldn't be able to separate his Wolverine character from the obviously flamboyant Peter Allen. No fear - he had me from the first note he played on the piano. (Yes -- Hugh actually learned to play piano for the role).

I even got to meet him after seeing the show -- both times I saw it. First time was with my Mom...who watched in horror as her normally articulate daughter melted down and could not string two words together. I think the conversation went something like this:

Hugh: Hi, I'm Hugh.
Laura: Arh arh gobly gok
Hugh: Did you enjoy the show?
Laura: Arh arh gobly gok
Hugh: Well...enjoy the rest of your time in the City
Laura: Arh arh gobly gok

My Mom was laughing so hard she barely got me in the frame of the picture -- which, I believe, sadly, speaks for itself. She later said that she was sure Hugh went home that night and told his wife: "...and you wouldn't believe the sweet mentally challenged girl I met after the show..."

A month or so later, hubby and I went to see the show -- and trust me, this time I wasn't even going to ATTEMPT conversation -- until, by coincidence, Brad realized that his college roomie was playing trombone in the pit and he invited us to visit with him after the show.

The less said about the actual visit, the better.

Keep in mind - I am NOT easily flustered, and have worked with celebrities ranging from Sinatra to Billy Joel to U2 and just about everyone in between. Each and every time I managed to conduct myself professionally and with complete decorum.

But this was WOLVERINE!

Imagine if it had been Superman?

But here, for my single male buddies, is why I believe Hugh Jackman is deserving of the Sexiest Man Title -- for those of you who have asked me over the years - "What do women really want?" And trust me -- it has very little do to with his appearance:

1. He loves his wife -- adores her in fact. In every interview I have ever read, and both times I met him -- he talked at length about his wife and (then) son. And I mean talked -- you could see his love for them radiating from him. I was a stranger -- and he told me a funny story about his son -- that demonstrated how proud he was.

2. He shares the wealth. I don't just mean monetarily, although he does that too, through his foundation. He deflects the spotlight from himself and is always pulling others toward it. Saw it in person - "Have you met Isabel, she played my mother-in law..."

3. He's a goof. He sings and dances on movie sets and during interviews! He is unabashedly a fan of musical theatre and doesn't care who knows it. He doesn't 'hide' that which he feels people might poke fun at!

4. He lives in the moment. This is a biggie. When he is speaking with you, you are the single most important person at that moment. He is PRESENT. He is listening and responding in kind. He is paying attention and remembering small details.

To my mind, it has nothing to do with ripped abs or a great smile - that's just window dressing.

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