Friday, July 11, 2008

Everybody was kung foo fighting!

Just back from a glorious week at the shore -- beautiful South Jersey!

You know that relaxed in the car feeling...listening to some tunes on the radio. Hubby found a neat oldies station -- mostly 70's and 80's music...

When all of a sudden...a song I hadn't heard in least 20 years...

"Oh oh oh oh"
(imagine Chinese restaurant musak)
"Oh oh oh oh"

Wait for it...

"Everybody was Kung foo fighting!"

Immediate flash back to my childhood playroom and my sister and the neighbor girl choreographing a musical dance/baton number to this little ditty.

Worse -- I can still picture the choreography...the two of them entering from opposite sides of the room, geisha like, and then bowing to each other in the middle...before leaping into a series of hitch kicks with swinging batons!

And then the INEVITABLE 'dings' in the dropped ceiling -- which made my father NUTS!

My contribution to this?

Easy -- I'm the one who showed them how to flip the ceiling tiles so that the "dings" would no longer show.

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