Friday, June 5, 2009

Pomp & Circumstance

My nephew Mikey - who I am sure would prefer I call him Mike -- graduates from high school today.

He's a great kid -- full of fun - terrific personality, humorous, loves his sports, his baby sister and loves his Mom, my baby sister.

In a lot of ways, he's our family's pragmatist -- doesn't have a driver's license yet -- when pressed, he'll note that he "really doesn't need one." If Mikey discovered that he wasn't great at a particular sport or activity - no big deal - he'd move on and find that one where he could excel -- and excel he did.

The past Christmas Eve my sisters and their families and Brad and I were all sitting around after dinner playing a silly game -- a thinking game -- with questions on cards designed to get people talking. Watching Mikey take the lead in this game was among my greatest pleasures in 2008.

He jumped in when others struggled to answer questions, and REALLY thought about his own answers, showing insight and thoughtfulness well beyond his years. He worked hard to include everyone in the game - making sure everyone had a chance to speak and participate.

Hard to believe this was the same little kid who used to make me nuts a few years back -- begging to go home minutes after Mommy had dropped him off for a visit... of course, maybe that was more a reflection on ME? (tee hee).

Bizarre to realize that he's practically an adult now -- and heading to community college in the Fall.

Watch out world - here comes Mikey -- err...Mike!

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