Thursday, October 9, 2008

If you're worried, and you can't sleep...count your blessings, instead of sheep...

Although my husband would disagree -- he claims that I sleep like the dead (and am equally immovable!) -- I've not been sleeping well lately...blame it on stress...the upcoming election...the economy...

I fall asleep very easily -- too easily -- but find that I wake up at 3 a.m. -- wide awake and mind racing.

My old tools have been failing me:

1. Counting backward from 100 by sevens -- this used to do the trick...somewhere around 65 I'd nod off.

2. Ascension to the British throne...again, just enough thought required that I couldn't fret... and I'd be snoring somewhere around the former Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones (now Chatto).

or that old stand-by...The Fibonacci Sequence...1...1...2...3...5...8...13...21...34...snooze...

But lately I've been finding that counting my blessings works best. Maybe its nostalgia...growing older...of a love White Christmas...

I start at the my way through home and hearth, pets...

...and soon I fall asleep...counting my blessings.


Jeffrey M. Peyton said...

You might try reading my blog. It puts Elaina out in three shakes of a lamb's tail. (And that, my physics friends tell me, is fast.)

Laura Stocker said... your gets me thinking!